
Patent contents: JIN FENG Electronics and Hangzhou Amphenol Phoenix in China



▶ 요약

1. JIN FENG Electronics: Patent 1- 种柔性屏(flexible display)应用的同轴190度外折 (190 ° coaxial outward folded) 转动机构 (rotation structure)

1) 아웃 폴딩 구조 자체를 특허로 출원함: 기어를 사용한 190o 아웃폴딩

2) 스프링을 이용한 damping 구조를 적용해 플렉시블 디스플레이 벤딩 부문의 손상 방지

3) 이 특허의 문제점은 벤딩을 구현하기 위한 기계적 구조의 크기를 줄이는 한계로 Folding 시 상하면 사이에 큰 공간이 생김

4) 특허 가치가 크지 않음


2. Hangzhou Amphenol Phoenix : 2018 (Patent 1, Utility 3) - 특허 种内折(in-folding) 柔性 (flexible display)动终端 (mobile terminal)铰链(hinge)内折柔性屏移动终端

1) 인 폴딩 구조에서 접었을 때 디스플레이 벤딩 부분을 수용할 공간을 제공하는 힌지 구조 제안

2) 펼쳤을 떄 디스플레이의 torsion spring의  인장력을 이용해 제2지지대를 평행하게 받치는 힌지 구조 제안

3) 1 지지대 말단부에 short arm을 설치해 펼쳤을 때 제2 지지대가 평행하게 지지 받도록 함

4) 3개의 비슷한 실용 신안 중 대표적인 하나를 선정해 분석함:内折(in-folding)柔性(flexible display)动终端(mobile terminal)铰链(hinge)内折柔性屏移动终端

(1) 인 폴딩 구조의 디스플레이 벤딩부 하단에서 디스플레이의 지지대가 상하로 움직일 수 있게함

(2) 접힐 때 지지대가 빠르게 접히게 해 필요한 디스플레이의 수용 공간을 신속히 확보하고 디스플레이의 deformation을 방지함


3. Hangzhou Amphenol Phoenix : 2017 (Design 1, Utility 6)

1) 6개의 실용신안 중 5개가 관련 특허임. 관련  5개 중 두개는 2018년 실용신안의 old version

2) 5개 중 2개는 chain형태의 힌지로 과거 특허에서 흔히 보는 유형임

3) 마지막 1개는 큰 스크린을 제공할 목적으로 휴대성이 떨어짐. 따라서 우리의 타켓과 차이가 큼


1. JIN FENG Electronics

1) Patent :一种柔性屏(flexible display)应用的同轴190度外折 (190 ° coaxial outward folded) 转动机构 (rotation structure)

2) Pub. Num. : CN108999882, App. Date:   2018.10, Type: invention

3) Solving the problem: [corresponding]

(1) 0-190° outward folding

(2) Protect the display from deformation during the process of bending (folding)

(3) Precisely control the flexible bending (folding)

4) Solution:

(1) Using gear coaxial rotation for purity mechanical bending

(2) Using damping structure with multi-unit springs and spring slide rail offset structure

(3) Limit structure(限位结构)  with connecting  fixed block (12连接固定块)

 5) Opinion: Too much space in the hinge bending part We may make the hinge components small enough to reduce the space in the bending part, but still we could not eliminate the space

     2. Hangzhou Amphenol Phoenix 1

1) Patent :一种内折(in-folding) 柔性屏 (flexible display)移动终端 (mobile terminal)铰链(hinge)及内折柔性屏移动终端

2) Pub. Num. : CN108173995, App. Date: 2018.1, Type: invention

3) Solving problem:

(1) Providing space for flexible display’s bending part when folded;

(2) Providing flat supporting for flexible display when unfolded

(3) No exposure of hinge part

(4) User-friendly 

3. Hangzhou Amphenol Phoenix 2

1) Patent : 内折(in-folding)柔性屏(flexible display)移动终端(mobile terminal)的铰链(hinge)及内折柔性屏移动终端

2) Pub. Num. : CN207977993, App. Date: 2018.2, Pub. Date: 2018.10, Type: utility model

3) Solving problem:

(1) This hinge could reduce the stretching and compressing of the flexible display when folding or unfolding


(2) Rising-lowing plate(升降板)providing  space for flexible display when folded

(3) Specifically, rising-lowing plate descends ¾ of the total height when 180°à90° and descends the rest ¼   when 90°à0°. Thus, rising-lowing plate descends quickly at the beginning and forms the space for the flexible display (protect the flexible display)

4. Hangzhou Amphenol Phoenix 2017 sorting

1) There are 7 patents applied in 2017 (0 invention, 1 design, 6 utility model)

2) Among the 6 utility model patents, one was ruled out for not being applied for flexible display

3) Among the rest 5 patents, one (CN 207603692 from different author) also related to rising-lowing plate, but no better than CN207977993 (the front page patent) [also one similar patent from the same author CN 207460248]

4) Among the rest 3 patents, one (CN 207782858) has the similar structure with other patents.

5) Among the rest 2 patents, one (CN 207200775) has a book-type shape which is far from portability and is inaesthetic . Similar hinge structure with no.4.

6) The last patent (CN 207543155) [printed] has the same author as CN108173995.


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Foldable Hinge maker in China


▶ 요약

  • CSOT에서 Foldable Hinge 관련 합작 미팅 중인 업체 리스트: 橙工科技, 兆利,普赛汉进,劲丰,安费诺, LKK, 富士达, JMC
  • 조사항목: 설립일, 수행 비즈니스, 웹페이지, 채용정보 확인, 특허, 연락처
  • 8 업체 普赛汉进,安费诺 2 사가 Foldable Hinge 업무를 적극적으로 수행 중인 것으로 파악됨, 富士达 엘리베이터 제조사이고, JMC 자동차 업체로 연관성이 제일 낮아 보임

        橙工科技: 2011 이후 사이트에 핸드폰 힌지에 대한 업데이트가 없음. 채용 정보를 보면 현재 Note PC 힌지에 집중하고 있음.

        兆利: PC/Phone 힌지 제조 판매사로 조사되었으나, 채용 정보 웹사이트 등이 없음

       普赛汉进: Phone hinge 제조사, UK PTH Company/Sichuan Uni. 협력한다는 내용을 지역 뉴스에서 발견하나 상세 사항은 없음

        劲丰: PC/Notebook/Tablets/Phone/LCD 등의 다양한 분야의 힌지 제조사, Toshiba(from 2004); Huawei (hinge); MiTAC 장기 계약 중이라고 소개함, 2건의 힌지 특허가 발견 되었으나 조사 결과 특이사항 없음 (상식적인 내용)

       安费诺: 힌지를 포함한 정밀 부품 제조사, US-venture Amphenol Group 소유사로 Strong R&D capacity 뉴스를 통해 소개함, 힌지 특허가 있으나 조사 결과 삼성 대비 기술력이 높지 않아 보임

        LKK: LKK 조사 자동차 제조사와 디지인 업체가 검색됨. 추가 조사 불가.

       富士达: 일본 회사로 엘리베이터 제조. 힌지 관련 사항 조사 불가.

1. 东莞市橙工电子科技有限公司【橙工科技】

1) Date of establishment: 2003(2009 renamed); location: Dongguan;

(1) Business content: including the design/mould development/Stamping【冲压】/assembly/sale of metal hinge products covering PC/LCD/phone etc.

(2) Home page: http://www.chenggongworld.com/

The home page only shows the old foldable phone hinge and little information was released after 2011.

(3) Employment info.: currently focusing on PC hinge making.

(4) Patent info.: most of patents relates to PC.

(5) Contact info.: Tel:(86)-769-83366665; E-mail: liu@chenggongworld.com;

       Sales dep.18922522305 13922981085 刘先生


2. 昆山兆利电子有限公司 【兆利】

1) Date of establishment: 2006; location: Kunshan;

(1) Business content: including the development, production and sale of the hinge of  mainly PC and phone

(2) Homepage: X

(3) Employment info.: X

(4) Patent info.: X

(5) Contact info.: Tel:(86)-512-86892899; E-mail:  jenny2@jarlly.com;


3. 深圳市普赛汉进科技有限公司 【普赛汉进】 (Shenzhen Precise Hinge Technology Limited.)

1) Date of establishment: 2003; location: Shenzhen;

(1) Business content: phone hinge making

(2) Home page: http://www.phten.com.cn/

Technology development team included UK PTH Company, Sichuan Uni. (英国PHT公司、四川大学); the earliest professional phone hinge maker and has various species.

(3) Employment info.: X

(4) Patent info.:   a. 多轴联动阻尼铰链装置 2018.4

                    b. 带有阻尼性质的铰链装置 2016.2

(5) Contact info.: Tel:(86)- 755-89505611; 13510801845(赵先生);

       E-mail: stanley.zhao@phten.com;


4.东莞市劲丰电子有限公司【劲丰】(JIN FENG Electronics)

1) Date of establishment: 1999; location: Dongguan;

(1) Business content: focusing on the development and production of the hinge making of PC, notebook, tablets, phone, LCD and etc. (including broad range).

(2) Homepage:  http://www.ejf.com.cn/

(3) Employment info.: X

(4) Patent info.:

一种柔性屏(flexible display)应用的同轴190度外折(190°coaxial outward folded)转动机构 2018.12

Most of the patents relates to  notebook hinge (Relatively abundant patents)

(5) Contact info.: Tel: 0769-86522048; 13724496370

       E-mail: zhaxiaofang@ejf.com.cn;

(6) News info.: one of important company list in the new foldable phone industry

      Resource linkhttp://www.sohu.com/a/281584895_167954 2018.12.12 (Memo: two companies were on the list as 劲丰,安费诺 )

2) In accordance with market demand,

(1) First stage (1999-2004): mainly focusing on PC hinge, notebook hinge, phone hinge and slider making, main clients: TCL, Skyworth AOC,

(2) Second stage (2004-2007): mainly focusing on hinge making of various kinds of products; main clients: MiTAC(神达电脑), Proview Technology(Shenzhen).OKI

(3) Third stage (2007-now): focusing on phone hinge making, main clients: Sharp, Hitachi, Casio, Toshiba, kyocera Huawei, Foxconn

3) Memo: Customization available; BLU metal frame (胶铁一体)well-built manufacturing system; raw material provided by Korean and Japanese company; Long-term clients: Toshiba(from 2004); Huawei (hinge); MiTAC


5.杭州安费诺飞凤通信部品有限公司【安费诺】 Hangzhou Amphenol Phoenix Telecom Parts Co., Ltd

1) Date of establishment: 2001 ; location: Hangzhou; wholly-owned subsidiary of the US-venture Amphenol Group; Strong R&D capacity News

(1) Business content: customized hinges and precision mechanical components; tool development, injection molding, stamping, MIM with SUS/Ti/T-alloy, CNC machining and turning, grinding, and polishing, sandblasting, printing and other surface treatment process.

(2) Homepage: http://www.amphenol-hzp.com/  well-designed

(3) Employment info.: X

(4) Patent info.:

      a. 一种内折柔性屏移动终端的铰链及内折柔性屏移动终端 2018.2

      b. 柔性屏移动终端铰链及柔性屏移动终端 2017.6

      c. 半自动内折柔性屏移动终端铰链及内折柔性屏移动终端 2018.1

      d. 柔性屏移动终端铰链 2017.5

(5) Contact info.: Tel: 0571-86714425 86714311; E-mail:  sales.hzp@amphenolmcp.com;

(6) More info. about Amphenol Phoenix

Strong R&D capabilities (high percentage of R&D crew and multi-nation)

large quantities of patents application

       Resource: News link: http://hzdaily.hangzhou.com.cn/hzrb/html/2014-04/14/content_1709091.htm (2014.4)

(7) More info. about Amphenol :

 Amphenol Corporation: USA based company has many branches over the world including mainland China which is a large supplier for telecom market, phone market, data exchange market and specialized in connector(junctor/bonder) [连接器]

[Memo] Among all the branches in other cities in China, this branch is the most possible one


6. A.厦门锐阳电子有限公司 LKK Xiamen LKK Automotive Electronics Co., Ltd.

1) Date of establishment: 2006; location: Xiamen;

(1) Business content: automotive relay ; OEM;

(2) Homepage: www.lkk-ae.com

(3) Employment info.: X

(4) Patent info.: X

(5) Contact info.: Tel: (86) - 592 - 5181087 ; E-mail: LKK@lkk-ae.com;

(6) Other info.: Other wholesale business may relate to electronic product (resource: registration page);


6. B北京洛可可科技有限公司LKK Xiamen LKK Automotive Electronics Co., Ltd.

1) Date of establishment: 2004; location: Beijing (head office);

(1) Business content: innovation design (relating to many area);

(2) Homepage: http://www.lkkdesign.com

(3) Employment info.: X

(4) Patent info.: X

(5) Contact info.: Tel: 400-062-3130 ; E-mail: lkk@lkkdesign.com

(6) Other info.:

cooperation with Samsung, BoE, Huawei

Start form industrial design

Received may design awards


7. FUJITEC Group【富士达】

1) Date of establishment: 1948; location:

(1) Business content: elevator;

(2) Homepage: http://www.fujitec.com.cn/

(3) Employment info.: X

(4) Patent info.: X

(5) Contact info.: Tel: 4006-810-718 ;

(6) Other info.: no info. Was found relating to phone, hinge


8. 江铃汽车【JMCJiangling Motors Corporation

1) Date of establishment: 1968; location: Jiangxi;

(1) Business content: automobile

(2) Homepage: https://www.jmc.com.cn/ 

(3) Employment info.: X

(4) Patent info.: X

(5) Contact info.: E-mail: relations@jmc.com.cn

(6) Other info.: no info. Was found relating to phone, hinge     





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